The technique “Designing with Scenarios” allows visualization of situations and behaviors and is widely-used tool for designers.
Knead and Bake scenario video
Rather than focusing on the potential design intervention or a “solution”, scenario shows people as actors. That approach affords the view of the larger situation and leads to better design interventions.
Knead and Bake scenario/ seasonal features
Knead and Bake scenario/ interface
Knead and Bake scenario
Knead and Bake scenario
Greener groceries scenario/ students: Sunny Chong, Geoff Kfoury, Louise Markison, Keloni Parks, and Stephanie Sevich, MICA.
Greener groceries scenario/ students: Sunny Chong, Geoff Kfoury, Louise Markison, Keloni Parks, and Stephanie Sevich, MICA.
Concept of bike racks from repurposed sign poles
Mixed use parking garage/in collaboration with PI.KL STUDIO
Mixed use parking garage/in collaboration with PI.KL STUDIO