Truly Yours [true-re-use] system
The fact that we generate lots of trash, is no surprise to anyone. Surprising part is to learn how much. Very small percentage of produced plastic gets recycled. It is #1 and #2 resins, and these are mostly down cycled. Most consumers are not aware of their impact on landfills. While in some places recycling is enforced by law, in others it is a choice, and thus need for education of the general public is a major struggle to overcome. Truly Yours system allows recovery circle to become much smaller. Instead of recycling plastics through the conventional system, consumer uses it for production of the new item without re-processing plastic by melting.
The fact that we generate lots of trash, is no surprise to anyone. Surprising part is to learn how much. Very small percentage of produced plastic gets recycled. It is #1 and #2 resins, and these are mostly down cycled. Most consumers are not aware of their impact on landfills. While in some places recycling is enforced by law, in others it is a choice, and thus need for education of the general public is a major struggle to overcome. Truly Yours system allows recovery circle to become much smaller. Instead of recycling plastics through the conventional system, consumer uses it for production of the new item without re-processing plastic by melting.