Designed for creative spaces, VOID, COMFORT & SKIN serve no prescribed functions. When needed, these everyday objects become tools for bodystorming. As an alternative to sketching, design students were asked to use”tools” to bodystorm ideas in response to prompts.
Students use TOOLS to bodystorm assigned open-ended problems

Resulting concepts were sketched on special cards and displayed on the wall.

During the installation in the gallery, public was invited to bodystorm ideas in response to random prompts. Participants could use one or more props. Resulting concepts were documented & displayed on the wall as part of this participatory experience.

SKIN is a stretchy fabric sewn in endless band.
Everyday uses:
scarf, skirt, belt, computer/laptop cover, lampshade, poncho, nursing screen, lumbar support, arm sling, head cover, picnic blanket, seat cover, baby carrier, stroller sunshade, shopping bag, device for resistance exercise.

COMFORT is a soft pillow in the inside and protective canvas on the outside.
Everyday uses:
pillow, mat, bag, lumbar support, seat, chair, poncho, body pillow, cushion, picnic blanket, seat cover, shopping cart cover for kids, play mat, leg support, yoga mat.

VOID is a non-stretch canvas fabric sewn in a tube.
Everyday uses:
pillow case, hat, laptop cover, lampshade, table runner, picnic blanket, bag, storage container, dust mask, lunch bag, scarf, cooler, towel, book cover, laundry bag, duster, knotted ball.